Sukkot Audio
Succah 1: Miraculous Clouds Of Glory
How Did the Clouds of Glory protect the Jews for 40 Years in the Desert? How do we commemorate them with our Booths/Succahs?
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Succah 2: The Overwhelming Outgrowth Of Abraham’s Kindness
Celebrating the reverberations of our Patriarch Abraham’s Unlimited Kindness on that hottest day of the year.
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Succah 3: Why Must We Elevate It To A State Of Comfort?
One CANNOT be in any state of Discomfort in the Succah. Interesting ramifications.
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Succah 4: The Distinction Between The 4 Species & The Succah
Aside from the obvious there are halachic differences in our observance of the Four Species & the Succah.
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Succah 5: Integrating The 4 Segments Of The Jewish People
A deeper Understanding of the Symbolism of the 4 Species & the Unity of the Jewish people.
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Succah 6: The Willow- A Symbol Of Hope & Recovery
A life-lesson from the humble willow in drawing hope from the wellsprings along the way.
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Succah 7: From Succos to Shmini Atzeres- Transitioning From the Natural to the SuperNatural
G-D Creates a New Holiday on the 8th day- juxtaposed to the 7 Days of Succos- to keep us close & so transitions us into a higher realm of existence.
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Sukkot Torah BulletsTM
Inheritance or Heritage: A Determining Factor in Jewish Survival
1. The Torah is the Heritage of the congregation of Yaakov.
2. The Torah is not referred to as an inheritance.
3. Rabeinu Bachya: The difference between an inheritance and a Heritage.
4. The recipient an of an inheritance has the right to do as he wishes: retain or pass it on.
5. Or squander it and leave nothing for the heirs.
6. A Heritage is given to perpetuate & pass on.
7. The Torah was given as a Heritage- to preserve & pass on to the next generation until the end of time .
8. Gemara: Yehoshua Ben Gamlah was a High Priest near end of the 2nd temple period.
9. He should be remembered for good; if not for him Torah would have been forgotten.
10. There were many orphans who did not have fathers to teach them Torah .
11. He legislated into law that every community have an elementary school to teach Torah.
12. He set into place the educational infrastructure of the classes.
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The Patriarch Who Most Resembled G-d
1. Moshe blesses the Tribes before he passes away.
2. He refers to Binyamin as the beloved of G-d.
3. Gemara: Binyamin, the son of Yaakov, is one of the 4 individuals who never sinned.
4. The Ark, in the Holy of Holies, was in the portion of Binyamin.
5. He is referred to in the Talmud as the “Host of the Divine Presence”.
6. He merited this privilege because he yearned for it more than his brothers.
7. Midrash: He merited to be the host of the Divine Presence; Yaakov would lean on Binyamin, his youngest son, when he would walk.
8. What is the commonality between Yaakov and the Divine Presence?
9. Rabeinu Bachya: The Heavenly Throne of G-d is encircled with 4 groups of angels comprised of 70 who emanate from G-d.
10. Yaakov went to Egypt with 70 individuals who descended from 4 wives.
11. Yaakov is a reflection of G-d’s presence in this world.
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Reliving the Clouds of Glory of the Desert
1. Jewish Holidays are not merely commemorative but reenactments of the past.
2. Torah: “So That Your Generations Shall Know That I Placed You In Succos, When I Took You Out Of Egypt”.
3. 2 opinions in the Talmud regarding the meaning of Succos:
4. 1: This refers to the clouds of glory that engulfed the Jewish People in the desert for 40 years.
5. These provided protection from the elements, consumed snakes & scorpions, & removed peaks or valleys when they traveled.
6. They laundered their garments & garments did not wear out.
7. 2: They sat in booths.
8. The clouds of glory were endowed to us for Avraham’s hospitality of the angels.
9. He offered them the shade of his tree.
10. Avraham asked G-d after 40 years what would compensate for the mitzvah?
11. G-d responded: the mitzvah of Succah.
12. The materials of the Succah assume a consecrated status after being built.
13. The Four Species represent the four segments of the Jewish People.